the dinner date

you set the table for god
he shows up early
spits in the soup and says,
“fuck you give me everything now"
you kick him out
you tell him never to return

seven years later
you set the table for god
he arrives with flowers, meticulously dressed
mocking your every move
with his measured politeness
and with the terrible secrets about you
that he doesn't utter
or overtly indicate that he knows
his poker face from heaven
is a joker from hell
never again

seven years later
you set the table for god
he's a no show
your house full of uncooked food
is a whore's lair
and a party for one
the knock at the red door
is the asian delivery boy

seven years later
you make a date with god on the phone
you leave a message
you say, "I'll meet you
at the crossroad
i’ll bring no weapon
i’ll bring no ride home
only One of us
will be left standing"


You Had Me Until Hello